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Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Poised to be a Great Year for Pharmacies with 340B drug pricing access

While the 340B drug discount has been around since 1992, many of the entities that qualify for the discounted drug pricing are just starting to realize the full potential of the program.   For years, the program has been seen as a method to purchase drugs at a low price and sell drugs at a low price, with little attention paid to the opportunity to dispense these drugs with a low cost basis when billing insured patients.   As safety net providers begin to look for additional revenue resources this trend is starting to change.   

Hospitals realized the amount of money they can save in specialty drugs early on and have been proactive in certain therapeutic classes.    However, with a move to Accountable Care, a need to manage patients more closely, and the potential to expand to their entire base of eligible patients, expect the reach of hospitals to increase, closely followed by Federally Qualified Health Centers and other eligible entities.

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